Electronics Home participated in the 29th edition of HotelGa

Space Electronics Home

The 2024 edition of HotelGa It had new spaces. Electronics Home, which recently had a great success with its event in July, joined this integrative proposal, through from the Electronics Home area, specially adapted for this fair, where renowned companies from the home and appliance sector participated, such as Goldmund, Carol, y Vondom – Wine Froz

“Here we are in the Winefroz-Vondom space presenting specific products for the hotel and gastronomic industry such as wine cellars and large capacity models that are managed with Wi-Fi. Also another very specific product for hospitality such as minibars, lockable models, and meat ripeners, another product aimed at this type of industry,” commented Ariel Clur, commercial manager of Winefroz-Vondom.

“We are the Carol Puppetti Group and today we are present in the Electronics Home format within HotelGa. It is a unique opportunity to show our launches in a new segment such as hotels. Today we are presenting our entire portfolio and shelves for the hotel sector, said Nestor Alayón, head of MKT.

“We have the latest news with everything that is national porcelain with a new format and new design and in induction cooking the Carol line of pans,” added Federico Puppeti, owner of the firm.

Stand Goldmund – Espacio Electronics Home

Stand Electronics Home

In a renewed edition, the organizers AHT (Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic) and FEHGRA (Hotel and Gastronomic Business Federation of the Argentine Republic) together with Messe Frankfurt Argentina presented Hotelga 2024 with great novelties and the incorporation of new activities with the sustainability, inclusion and innovation as central axes.

At the closing of the event, the President of AHT, Gabriela Ferrucci, highlighted: “Without a doubt, we are closing the best Hotelga in history, we are happy with the result we had. A unique experience, for the first time with Messe Frankfurt Argentina as a strategic partner. We have spoken with the exhibitors who assured us that it has exceeded their expectations. “Very happy to be doing this together with such a successful result.”

For his part, the President of FEHGRA, Fernando Desbots, said: “The balance is highly positive, we really had a leap in quality. We have done something different, innovative, with very important contributions from professionals and businessmen; and with the participation of important national and regional authorities and colleague entities from South American countries. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated throughout these three days and made an event of this magnitude possible.”

In his turn, the President of Messe Frankfurt Argentina, Fernando Gorbarán, expressed: “We are an international company, we have been in Argentina for more than 20 years. We do a lot of fairs, but I can assure you that Hotelga was the most difficult for us to carry out because of the spirit that this sector has, its potential and future; We knew we couldn't fail. But it was much more than a commercial issue, it was a matter of feeling.” And he added: “We met two incredible leaders like Gabriela and Fernando who have the responsibility of representing Argentina's private sector in the gastronomy and hospitality sectors. “We have worked very well together and that makes us very happy.”

Throughout the three days, Hotelga Summit was held, a space for talks and conferences organized around the following thematic axes: Economy and current events, Sustainability and Human talent. It had the participation of prominent national and international figures from the business field, government authorities and representatives of associations.

Exhibitors also had an exclusive space to promote their businesses. These are the Business Rounds that were held for the first time in this edition and had a great turnout: more than 800 meetings were recorded between manufacturers and national buyers. They had exclusive meetings where exhibitors were able to build networks between supply and demand, attract potential clients and improve the positioning of the companies. An opportunity to share ideas, plan for the future and strengthen ties with key players in the HORECA sector. In addition, Exhibitor Conferences were held, where they had the opportunity to present their proposals and tell their experience in the sector.

Another novelty that this edition brought was Hotelga Ar Design, curated by 90+10, where six renowned brands exhibited their products designed and produced in the country. Designed to supply the demands of the sector, these exhibitors showed everything related to tableware, lighting, furniture and decoration.

In addition, Argentina Tierra de Vinos had its place dedicated especially to wine tourism that consolidates Argentina's position as a world-class destination in the world of wine. 30 wineries were present there. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Nation and is a key tool to boost regional economies and promote sustainable growth.

Por su parte, el Auditorio Buenos Aires & AHRCC (Asociación de Hoteles, Restaurantes, Confiterías y Cafés), con el apoyo del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, tuvo su espacio con figuras destacadas de la gastronomía como el Equipo Pampa, campeones de América en Pastelería; los premiados en Bocuse d ́or; Chef y restaurantes reconocidos con las estrellas Michelin, entre otros, quienes compartieron sus desafíos y proyecciones para el sector.

Two highly anticipated endings for hoteliers and gastronomics

On the one hand, the Grand Final of the 11th Edition of the Sustainable Hotel Competition organized by Greener Hotels took place, with the support of AHT (Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic), Industrial Hotel Association of Paraguay (AIHPY) and Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Uruguay (AHRU). The contest seeks to recognize and reward tourist accommodations and students with the best innovative ideas that integrate sustainability principles into the region's hospitality value chain. The winners of this edition were:

• Actions That Create History Category: Hotel Cerrito, from Paraguay (Benjamín Aceval, Pte Hayes Department). History: The hotel that eliminates poverty.

• Innovative Ideas Category: American University of Paraguay. Idea: TURISVISION – Participant: Ana Laura Acosta.

• “Inclusion for a Future” Distinctions:

o Alexander I: History “Listening with the Heart, Speaking with the Hands”.

o Hotel Kosten Aike: History “Accessible hospitality means thinking big.”

o NH Hotel Group – Minor Hotels: History “Inclusion is not temporary.”

For its part, the Grand Final of the 8th Edition of the Federal Chefs Tournament, organized by FEHGRA, brought together 21 teams that cooked live during the three days of the sector fair. After evaluating originality, presentation, preparation methods, sequence order of preparation, use of regional identity product, among other criteria, the winners were:

● First Place: Comodoro Rivadavia. From the Marquis. Chef Enzo Maximiliano Mayorga. Assistant Josefa Margarita Herrera Vega.

● Second Place: El Calafate. Restaurant La Bahía, Mirador del Lago Hotel: Chef Daniel Alberto Ríos and Assistant David Olivera.

● Third Place: Paraná. Justo Restaurant. Chef Miguel Ángel Sartori. Assistant Claudio Emanuel González.

Sectoral entities and authorities had their own agenda within the framework of the exhibition

Hotelga 2024 was the place chosen for the signing of the Letter of Intent to ratify the commitment to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in Travel and Tourism, between the Undersecretariat of Tourism, AHT and FEHGRA. Participating in the signing were: Yanina Martinez, Undersecretary of Tourism of the Ministry of the Interior; the President of AHT, Gabriela Ferrucci and the President of FEHGRA, Fernando Desbots.

In addition, the Commitment for a Sustainable Hospitality in Latin America was signed where AHT and FEHGRA participated together with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and the sector associations of the region, Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Uruguay (AHRU); Hotel Industrial Association of Paraguay (AIHPY); Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia (COTELCO); Chilean hoteliers; and Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Related Services (AHORA Perú). Accompanying them were Daniel Scioli, Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Argentine Republic; Yanina Martinez, Undersecretary of Tourism of the Ministry of the Interior; Undersecretary of Environment of the Nation, Ana Lamas.

Next, the Letter of Intent was signed to validate the homologation between the Greener Hotels Ecolabel and the Sustainability Guidelines for tourism companies of the nation's Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports. Later, the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between COVIAR and the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports took place.

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